Our Top 3 Things To Do At Home To Help With Back Pain
Whether you have mid or lower back pain, getting some relief at home between your chiropractic adjustments is important!
Firstly - make sure that you get your back pain assessed by a health professional (such as us!). This blog is simply to give extra suggestions that may help you - and in no way replaces personalised advice for you from you health care provider!
Here are our top three tips!
Sometimes pain and tension may be caused by tight muscles. Doing some gentle stretches is a great way to help these muscles to release and function better! A really good starting point is to lie on a beach towel rolled up lengthways (line the towel along your spine with the back of your head also resting on the towel) and let gravity do the work. Let your arms and shoulders relax down to the ground and feel a stretch across your chest. This is a passive stretch which is great when your back is hurting.
To stretch your piriformis and glut muscles place one ankle over the opposite knee, sit up straight then slowly lean forward. A great sideways stretch is to stand next to a wall with your hand resting on the wall for balance, reach your other arm up straight and then lean over towards the wall.
You can hold your stretches for 30-60 seconds, go into and come out of each stretch slowly and remember to breathe!!
I know you are sore but it is so important to keep moving. Remember the saying that “movement is medicine”
Sitting or laying down for long periods can have negative effects on both your spinal and overall health, besides we are just not designed to stay still for long periods.
Before you do any movement remember to brace your core like you are about to be punched in the stomach. This will help support your spine.
You can start with gentle movement like cat-camel exercises that mobilise the joints of the spine. If you are up to it try going for a walk at your local heated swimming pool. The warmer water may help to soothe your pain and walking in water allows you to move but is gentler on your joints than pounding the pavement. The resistance provided by the water also means you’re working harder than you realise. Walking is generally a great way to improve or maintain your overall health.
Our bodies do their healing while we sleep so try to get uninterrupted sleep. Many adults do not get the recommended 7-9 hours sleep per night!
If back pain is keeping you up at night try using a pillow to support your spine. If you are a side sleeper place the pillow between your knees or between your knee and the bed (if you sleep on your side with one leg straight and the other bent). If you are a back sleeper try placing a pillow under your knees. Remember to also take time to wind down, breathe and stretch before bed!
Hopefully these tips will allow you to experience some relief at home and if you have any questions ask us at your next appointment!