Unlocking Neck Pain: A Guide to Posture Perfection and Quick Fixes!
Unfortunately, neck pain is incredibly common, with most of us experiencing it at some stage and frankly when it happens it’s a total pain in the neck! For some people it might simply be an annoying stiffness that resolves after a few days, for others it can be completely debilitating!
The most common form of neck pain is mechanical neck pain. It is usually triggered by poor movement in the neck joints or general poor posture. Are you spending long periods of time hunched over a desk or holding your phone between your ear and shoulder so you can multitask while making the phone call?These sustained awkward postures over time can strain the neck muscles and joints resulting in neck discomfort and/or pain.
The good news is that working on your general posture can help prevent exacerbation! Think about tucking your shoulder blades into your back pockets whether you are sitting or standing and avoiding sustained bad postures – it is definitely worth investing in a headset if you multitask regularly while making phone calls. Setting a timer on your phone to do some simple neck stretches and reset your posture over the day can make a big difference. These stretches can be done at your desk. https://fb.watch/qymY2oxZHI/
Another positive that comes from correct posture is related to your fight or flight response! Did you know that the area of nerves in your thoracic spine, which is between your shoulder blades, directly communicates with the part of the brain responsible for your fight or flight response. Unfortunately, your brain can’t tell the difference between rounded shoulders because you are hunched over your phone or rounded shoulders because you are about to fight or flee for your life so may activate the fight or flight response with ongoing poor posture.
Now if you have tried stretching and working on your posture but neck pain is still an ongoing issue please give us a call on 0439 481 686 or email hello@bespokechiropracticmanning.com for some more personalized one on one care.