Juggling Motherhood: Navigating Stress and Finding Balance!

Ok all you mums out there… Do you ever feel stressed or overwhelmed?


As a mum of two kids under 4 the constant juggling act of being a mum, Chiropractor, cook, cleaner, appointment maker & taxi leaves me often feeling slightly on the edge and usually feeling like I’m running on empty!! So what can we as mums do to increase our overall wellbeing & manage the life stress of being a mum?


So I’m totally bias but I’m going to start with Chiropractic!! As Chiropractors our aim is to improve the function of your spine and nervous system but getting regularly adjusted has an awesome side effect… it can decrease any pain or tension in your spine and the surrounding muscles.  As mums we are great at lifting things… kids, shopping bags, hauling stuff into & out of the boot… you name it we’ve probably lifted it! So why are we surprised when we experience back pain? Getting your spine aligned so everything is working & balanced just right may also help to increase your mood and energy levels! Let’s face it; we are all a bit crabby when we are sore!! This in turn may help you feel a little less stressed!


Chronic stress can lead to a number of other health challenges so what else can we do to feel more Zen?


Improving the quality and quantity of your sleep. The goal is to be getting seven to eight hours each and every night (don’t laugh) because when your body is tired and exhausted chances are your stress levels are going to go up. Ok sometimes this is completely out of your control (hands up anyone else currently have a teething child) so it’s really important to have a pre-bed routine so the sleep you do manage to get is of a good quality. Try starting to wind down 30 minutes before bed, you could do some gentle stretching, read a good book or have a cuppa (herbal or decaf) and hopefully you’ll drift off into the land of nod and not lay there thinking of tomorrows hectic schedule.


Try to get some regular breaks throughout the day especially when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Taking a few minutes for yourself can actually be bliss and can help reset your mood on those yell-y days (we’ve all had them). If possible try to get outside for some deep breaths but any kind of break works (locking yourself in the pantry counts) and will decrease the risk of burnout. Cheeky tip… increase your water intake! This has a trifecta effect… it’s good for hydrating the body, you need to pee more so more bathroom breaks and you have to walk to the loo so more movement in your day… Winning!!


Eat a healthy diet. It goes without saying that eating healthy foods, those that come from nature, helps our bodies perform at their best, which can help, manage stress levels. If we feel good physically, we feel good mentally. This also means we need to minimise alcohol, sugar and coffee. Unfortunately lots of coffees throughout the day (even decafs) will actually increase your stress levels.


Do some regular exercise. Exercise is a great way to reduce tension and stress; it also has the added bonus of improving your overall wellbeing. Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise can really help with reducing stress levels. Now if you don’t have time for a full on workout a quick brisk walk around the block, some body weight exercises (think squats, lunges, push-ups) or dancing around the living room with your kids all help towards managing stress.


Practice stress-relieving activities. There are so many different activities available that can help decrease your stress from yoga to journaling, mediation, deep breathing, a hot shower or bath. Hey even colouring in works for me. Experiment and find something that works for you then try to include it in your daily routine.


So there you have it, some things that may help ease the stress and overwhelm of mum life. Remember it is hard work and a 24/7 job nurturing the next generation so if sometimes it all seems too much or you’re not quite feeling yourself please speak with someone you trust or call us on 0439 481 686 and we can support you finding the appropriate health professional to speak with.


Think Like An Athlete, Be Like An Athlete.


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